Thursday, August 28, 2008


I'm hoping that this blog will give everyone an opportunity to share:
photos of you
photos of your kids
photos of your grandkids
photos of your dogs (we don't have any cat people in our family do we???)
life-changing events
day-to-day observations

Basically all that "catching up" that we don't get the opportunity to do very often!

Also, you're giving me an opportunity to practice working with a blog...which Hallmark claims is the future of the company!

So if you're apprehensive about participating, do it for me—so that I can develop the skills needed to keep my job! (just kidding...well, not really)

You can email me any photos or information and I can type it up and put it on the blog. Or, for those digitally-savvy folks who are laughing because this is old hat...I can send you the link and you can do it yourself.

You can comment on others stories and photos, or you can just log on from time to time to be entertained and informed. This is for all of us to keep in touch with each other and feel just a little more connected.

*Daughter of Cindy (Crough) Shriver, granddaughter of Jim Crough*