Saturday, June 20, 2009

Get To Know a Crough: Jessica Crough

Each month, The Crough's Nest will profile a different member of our family. Each person gets the same 20 questions. Their answers will surprise you...entertain you...take you back...and make you smile.

Name: Jessica Lynn Crough

Nickname(s): Jess, Jessie, J, "sis"

Age: 22

Crough Connection: Mike Crough is my dad, Jim Crough is my grandpa

Family (spouse/kids/pets): Chester, my cat :)

Profession: Student! But I graduate in December with my degree in Education

How do you spend your "free time?": 
I love Netflix, so I watch movies a lot. 
Or I'm on facebook chatting with my best friend 
who is down in Georgia right now. Other than that I'm usually working.

Best book you've ever read
Probably A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. 
I really like Ray Bradbury books as well! 

Favorite movie of all time
I can't just pick one!!! Honestly, I have a ton of favorites including the James Bonds, and the Batmans. And I love pretty much any comedy you throw in front of me! And every once and awhile I'll really enjoy a "chick flick".

Favorite song of all time
Again, do I really have to pick just one?! John Mayer is probably one of my favorite artists (click to listen), but I also like The Postal Service, Radiohead, and stuff like that. 
Sorry, I can't just pick one song! :) 

Favorite hour of the day and why
Probably about 8:00pm. I get off work at 7:00 pm, 
so by the time I'm home and relaxed it's about 8. 

Favorite quote: "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." - Lucille Ball 

If you had to be an animal, which one and why
Oh wow, a squirrel maybe?! Kinda spastic and OCD, but cute. (I'm not really that spastic, but I can have a short attention span sometimes!)

Which actor/actress should play you in the story of your life: 
I would say Kate Winslet. I really like her as an actress!

If you were on Death Row, what would you choose as your Last Meal:
Ice cream...or potatoes and bread! That's not really a meal I guess, but I'm a college student so give me a break :)

What was your first car: 
Technically a red 1985 Chevy Suburban. It was a beast, which was probably why I only had it for a few months! Then I got my 1999 Chevy Cavalier, so I'll just say that was my first car. 

What was your very first memory:
Wow, I'm not sure. When I was really little I remember my first cat, Blacky, jumped into the bathtub with me. It was very strange, and I think from then on I somehow thought all cats actually liked water! 

Favorite Crough Family Memory:
I used to go out to Grandpa's farm every Sunday with my dad. I would always play with the dogs and hang out with Grandma. Or another favorite would be Thanksgiving out there every year! I miss doing that!!

What sound do you love to hear?: Kids laughing! 

What sound do you hate to hear?: Any kind of animal in pain!


Jess with niece Maren (daughter of Dallas & Meagan Crough Meneley)

With nephew, Hunter

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Birthday Wishes to Luke (and Grandpa Vince!)

The youngest of the "Jim Crough grandkids"
turns 15 today!
Hope you have a great day Luke!
(You'll always be my 'Lil Cougar)

Ryan Shriver and Luke Ransopher,
son of Milo & Lisa (Crough) Ransopher

Luke shares a birthday with his great-grandfather, Vince Crough.
I never got to meet this fella, but love hearing all the stories about him.
I'm sure he's in a lot of memories today.

L to R: Bob Crough, Jim Crough, Mary (Crough) Pennacchi,
Barbara (Crough) Sorrentino and Vince Crough