November's sky is chill and drear,
November's leaf is red and sear.
- Sir Walter Scott
Okay the beautiful, albeit chilly, month of November is winding down, so let's have a look at all the folks who celebrate birthdays this month...and what The Stars have to say about them!
11/9: Sarah Crough
Scorpios born on November 9 are adventurous and always on the lookout for new experiences. They seem to be constantly in motion, involved in new challenges. They live life on their terms. They don't mind making mistakes as long as they learn from them. They have great curiosity and never stop investigating the world around them.
11/10: Tony Crough
Scorpios born on November 10 have so much strength of will that there is nothing they cannot accomplish. They possess a keen intelligence. They are devoted to their families and remain in touch with their childhood roots. They have a strict moral compass and rarely deviate from the values learned in youth.
11/20: Jessica Crough
November 20 Scorpios are complex and complicated and can be truthful to the point of recklessness. Loyalty is practically a religion to them. Although they dislike change, they are often instrumental in bringing it about in the lives of others. They strive for achievement, eager to prove that "good guys" finish first.
11/26: Alex Bergin
A Sagittarius born on November 26 is achievement-oriented and likes to do things their way. They can use practical means to bring about seemingly impractical goals. These men and women are often drawn to academic life, or at least careers that require a college degree. Their goal is ultimate wisdom.
11/27: Laura Pennacchi
There are few more independent thinkers than a Sagittarius born on November 27. They enjoy controversy and are apt to seek out an eccentric lifestyle. These go-getters have leadership potential and seem to be always on the move. They are notorious practical jokers.
11/21: Jerry Crough
11/26: Bud Crough
Two November babies for Grandma Faye: one Scorpio and one Sagittarius!
(Check the Crough's Nest on November's a post you won't want to miss!)