Friday, June 26, 2009

NAMIWalk 2009

Payton was pitching while we were walking.

Mason taking a break at the playground.

Our little sassy girl with her strut.

Braely and Mama.

Loved the stairs!

Daddy and Mason.

Getting ready for the walk.
Thank you for all the support!


Happiest Birthday to my dear niece

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Milo!

Birthday wishes go out to Milo Ransopher
(or as his ornery nieces used to call him: "Milo in the Silo")
Hope you enjoy your day!

KU Marathon

Grandma Jean, Milo, and Lisa

Matt, Milo, and Luke Ransopher

Sunday, June 21, 2009

New owner

The Green Machine leaves the scene; Charles always called our CR-V "the green machine"
I drive the white truck & don't need 2 cars, so............
this is Laura (Mary's daughter) and Sulllivan (Mary's grand daughter - Karyn's daughter)