Name: Laura Marie Pennachi

Before I lost my baby fat (which I still have), Robyn would call me Little Missy Moo Moo
50—I love getting old, younger people forgive the elderly!!
Crough Connection:
I am blessed to have "Sister Mary" as my Mom (Mary Crough Pennachi)
Family (spouse/kids/pets/etc.):
My wonderful Mother; older sister Robyn & her husband Tom (California), nephew Jordan Thomas (25) and niece Kayla Hamlin (19); younger brother Nick (Hawaii); younger sister Karyn & her husband Gary (Vancouver, WA), niece Sullivan Faye (15) and nephew Nathan Thomas (13).
I'm retired and working on getting a new profession. Until then, I pay bills at Mom's and now my house…no utilities have been turned off, so I must be doing something right!!!
How do you spend your spare time:
Good question. I'm "waiting for the sunshine" so I can garden…lately, I've had a few "Martha Moments" and I get creative. Usually ends in a creative mess, but I do try!!
Best book you've ever read:
I have a lot of self-help books that don't seem to be helping, but I keep reading (here's hoping!)
Favorite movie of all time:
Can't think of any favorite movies—most things I watch I forget soon after the credits roll
Favorite song of all time:
When I listen to music (not often), it's something by Kenny G (soft jazz)
Favorite hour of the day and why:
Evening hour when I can finally exhale, get my sweats on, tell myself I did my best for the day, and get cozy in front of the TV to do some "mindless watching"
Favorite quote:
"Don't take life seriously…it's not permanent"
If you had to be an animal, which one and why?
A cat. They have nine lives, and since I have already gone through 8, one more is enough. Plus, they don't seem to have any problems sleeping!!!!
Which actor/actress should play you in the story of your life:
An actress with many faces and a warped sense of humor, but no name comes to mind.
If you were on Death Row, what would you choose as your last meal: Who could think about food at a time like this?
What was your first car:
A Ford Maverick Grabber…a graduation present from Mom & Dad. I loved that car. It was green and looked like a giant frog, perfect for St. Patty's Day. Years later, I sold it to buy a diamond ring.
What was your very first memory:
Wondering what it was like to get old…I'm still wondering!
Favorite Crough Family memory:
Since I live in Seattle, I don't have a chance to visit much, but when I do, it's always very memorable.
What sound do you love to hear:
I love to hear humming. Charles would always be happily humming.
What sound do you hate to hear:
Uh Oh and Oooops are not a good thing!

"We Can Do It!"

Laura: When I got home last night I found a picture of me & my Ford frog!! I haven't read about the scanning technique so I just took a picture of the picture & put that on the computer, not real clear but good enough.

Laura: I did a couple mosaic pieces last summer & this is the 1st one: A bench top that says "Charla" - which is the name of our house (Charles & Laura's).
Doesn't everyone name their house???