Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Newest Shriver!

Lucy Shriver
DOB: October 7, 2008
Ethnicity: Schnoodle
Weight: 12.6 lbs. and growing.
Height: can't stand still to measure
Hair Color: Black with some gray, white, and brown
Eye Color: dark blue/brown
Hobbies: Going on walks, jumping into bed, chewing, barking, eating doo doos, watching for intruders, schnoodle 500, and lots of playing.
Favorite Toys: chicken with a bikini, Lil' Buddy, and my monkey.
When I grow up I want to be...: Agility course master
Proud Parents: Ryan and Lindsey Shriver

*we have come better pictures, but we can't seem to find our camera cord. When we do find it some day, we will post those too!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Get to know a Crough: John Maguire

Each week, The Crough's Nest will profile a different member of our family. Each person gets the same 20 questions. Their answers will surprise you...entertain you...take you back...and make you smile.

First up, Mr. John Maguire, Sr.

John Maguire. Being the youngest of three children, my parents must have forgotten to give me a middle name. But in 1970 the Draft Board stepped in to help and gave me my first middle initials, NMN. I became John (NMN) Maguire on most legal documents. NMN stands for No Middle Name!

M _ _ S _ ...Can you guess?
(Hint- it has to do with High School football…still not sure, want more? Ask Sheryl!)

I am 56 years old. If I were a dog I would be roughly 456 years old. So I don’t feel so old after all. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow-up.

Crough Connection:
I am the 8th Crough child and I married my sister Sheryl.

Married to Sheryl for 34+ years.
Our wonderful family: John Matthew 26, Bobbi Lee 26, Rylie Ashlynn (will be 2 on Feb. 23rd!); Patrick Timothy 24; and Molly Kathleen Bridget (to make up for my “NMN” thing) 21.

Currently - Sales for Mead Johnson Nutrition (25 years); 
Counselor, Director of Passport for Adventure program @ St. Francis Boys Homes, Salina (8 years); 
Art Teacher, Salina (2 years).

How do you spend your free time:
Hi, my name is John and I am an estate sale addict. I haggle over dead peoples stuff so I can add to my collection of stuff. The rest of the time I spend daydreaming.

Best book you’ve ever read:
Les Miserables

Favorite movie of all time:
The Quiet Man

Favorite song of all time:
“Bird on a Wire” by Leonard Cohen (click to listen)

Favorite hour of the day and why:
5:00-6:00 am. Quiet, coffee, newspaper!!!

Favorite Quote:
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”   ~Unknown

If you had to be an animal, which one and why:
A dog, of course. But I must be owned by John and Sheryl where I have all the comforts of home including my own room in the basement, a fenced-in yard and sleeping privileges for any bed in the house. Other demands may follow.

Which actor/actress should play you in the story of your life:
George Clooney or Jack Black, whichever the director sees as resembling me most. The way I see it they are pretty much interchangeable.

If you were on Death Row, what would you choose as your last meal:
Chili, Mexican and Italian food! Rich food that would cause immediate violent diarrhea and gas. I’d go out with a bang.

What was your first car:
1959 Chevy sold to me by Jim Crough in 1972 for $50.00. Only to be sold back to Jim Crough for $75.00 at his insistence in 1974. I learned the meaning of generosity and caring from my role model, Jim Crough.

What was your very first memory:
My grandmother’s house in Newark, NJ. It smelled like “Old People”.

Favorite Crough Family memory:
In the summer of 1973 I came back one week early for school (Marymount College) and I stayed with the Crough family. I was always an early riser, 7:00 am was sleeping-in for me. That was until I slept in the basement on Aullwood Street. The back room was pitch dark and plenty cold. The first time I slept in the basement I awoke at almost 2:00pm. Wow! I’m still trying to make up for that lost day.

What sound do you love to hear? :
Sunday, golf on TV (low volume), the windows open and the sounds of birds in the trees and kids playing in the neighborhood while I nap on my bed.

What sound do you hate to hear? :
The phone ring in the middle of the night. It’s never good news.