John Maguire. Being the youngest of three children, my parents must have forgotten to give me a middle name. But in 1970 the Draft Board stepped in to help and gave me my first middle initials, NMN. I became John (NMN) Maguire on most legal documents. NMN stands for No Middle Name!
M _ _ S _ ...Can you guess?
(Hint- it has to do with High School football…still not sure, want more? Ask Sheryl!)
I am 56 years old. If I were a dog I would be roughly 456 years old. So I don’t feel so old after all. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow-up.
Crough Connection:I am the 8th Crough child and I married my sister Sheryl.
Married to Sheryl for 34+ years.
Our wonderful family: John Matthew 26, Bobbi Lee 26, Rylie Ashlynn (will be 2 on Feb. 23rd!); Patrick Timothy 24; and Molly Kathleen Bridget (to make up for my “NMN” thing) 21.
Professions:Currently - Sales for Mead Johnson Nutrition (25 years);
Counselor, Director of Passport for Adventure program @ St. Francis Boys Homes, Salina (8 years);
Art Teacher, Salina (2 years).
How do you spend your free time:Hi, my name is John and I am an estate sale addict. I haggle over dead peoples stuff so I can add to my collection of stuff. The rest of the time I spend daydreaming.
Best book you’ve ever read:Les Miserables
Favorite movie of all time:The Quiet Man
Favorite song of all time:“Bird on a Wire” by Leonard Cohen (
click to listen)
Favorite hour of the day and why:5:00-6:00 am. Quiet, coffee, newspaper!!!
Favorite Quote:“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending” ~Unknown
If you had to be an animal, which one and why:A dog, of course. But I must be owned by John and Sheryl where I have all the comforts of home including my own room in the basement, a fenced-in yard and sleeping privileges for any bed in the house. Other demands may follow.
Which actor/actress should play you in the story of your life:George Clooney or Jack Black, whichever the director sees as resembling me most. The way I see it they are pretty much interchangeable.
If you were on Death Row, what would you choose as your last meal:Chili, Mexican and Italian food! Rich food that would cause immediate violent diarrhea and gas. I’d go out with a bang.
What was your first car:1959 Chevy sold to me by Jim Crough in 1972 for $50.00. Only to be sold back to Jim Crough for $75.00 at his insistence in 1974. I learned the meaning of generosity and caring from my role model, Jim Crough.
What was your very first memory:My grandmother’s house in Newark, NJ. It smelled like “Old People”.
Favorite Crough Family memory:In the summer of 1973 I came back one week early for school (Marymount College) and I stayed with the Crough family. I was always an early riser, 7:00 am was sleeping-in for me. That was until I slept in the basement on Aullwood Street. The back room was pitch dark and plenty cold. The first time I slept in the basement I awoke at almost 2:00pm. Wow! I’m still trying to make up for that lost day.
What sound do you love to hear? :Sunday, golf on TV (low volume), the windows open and the sounds of birds in the trees and kids playing in the neighborhood while I nap on my bed.
What sound do you hate to hear? :The phone ring in the middle of the night. It’s never good news.