Friday, May 1, 2009


Happy 20th birthday to my beautiful niece

Kayla Hazard, daughter of Tom & Robyn Hazard, granddaughter of Mary Pennachi

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Bridget Bergin!!

To my beautiful cousin Bridget:
hope your birthday was good to ya!

Bridget Bergin, daughter of Tom and Kelly (White) Bergin

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Get to Know a Crough: Barbara Sorrentino

Each month, The Crough's Nest will profile a different member of our family. Each person gets the same 20 questions. Their answers will surprise you...entertain you...take you back...and make you smile.

Name: Barbara Jean Crough (White) Sorrentino

Sis and Baby Sister, to my face (probably something else behind my back!)

DOB: 9/21/42. You do the math. I come up with 36 years old...right?

Crough Connection:
I am the 7th child (the youngest, smartest, cutest and most honest) of Vincent and Faye Crough. Well at least one of those superlatives is correct.

Family (spouse/kids/pets/etc.):
At this point I have out-lived two husbands and I'm pretty sure I had nothing to do with their early demise.

I have 4 children: Chris White, Kevin White, Kelly (White) Bergin and Cara Bridget (White) Schmieder. Guess here is my opportunity to tell how amazingly wonderful they all are despite their crazy mother and against all odds!

I have 7 grandchildren: Alex, Emma and Bridget Bergin (parents Tom and Kelly Bergin), Lena and Moira White (parents Kevin White and Mary Shortino),and Jake and Kelly Frances Schmieder (parents Jim and Cara Bridget Schmieder)

I currently have a 13 yr. old Golden Retriever named Daisy. She is a dog of very little brain but large girth. She came to me courtesy of John and Sheryl Maguire, who apparently perceived what Daisy and I have in common. (And I'm not talking about blonde hair). I cannot remember a time I didn't have some sort of "critter" or 2 around the house and/or growing up with them. You name it, I bet I've had it in my life. How many kids have a pig (with 1 eye) waiting for them after school? Alas poor Jasper know bacon sorta lost its appeal after Mom told me where it was coming from. Between the miniature horses, the dogs, the cats, the rabbits, the chickens, etc., etc., etc.......we didn't need to have sex education taught in school. Though I never quite figured out the snake mating ritual. But I digress.

Retired. I do enjoy being "on call" to substitute teach at a local pre-school. My past working experience included participation in founding 3 private schools (and teaching at one) in Kansas City, Mo. Evaluating, treating and setting up home programs for special needs children ages 6 wks to 6 yrs at the Infant Development Center (currently located at Shawnee Mission Med. Center)

How do you spend your spare time:
I love crossword puzzles, reading and have a quilt I have been working on for about 15 yrs. Once I put all the quilt blocks together it should be large enough to insulate my attic. But I sorta like saying to the ladies, "I'm a quilter too." It's a bonding thing you know. I love to "protest." Give me a cause I can get into and I'm there, with placard in hand and hoping to elicit honks and/ jeers from the cars. I think this is only one step up from being a Bag Lady...Woe is me...

Best book you've ever read:
The one I haven't read yet! The Kite Runner was the last one I recommended to everyone. For pure pleasure, I re-read Fitzgerald, Hemingway, O'Hara and of course poetry. Particularly Emily Dickinson, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and more recently, Billy Collins.

Favorite movie of all time:
"The Natural".....though if I see Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers dancing or "The Thin Man" on TMC...I'm hooked!

Favorite song of all time (click on the blue links to listen!):
Well you can't go wrong with "Danny Boy." But I have been known to belt in full voice "Life's Been Good To Me So Far" with Joe Walsh. It is just a toss-up depending on my mood. Gotta play "If I Can Dream" by Elvis at my funeral! Anything by Frank or Dean and when you really want to get your blood rushing...try "Nessun Dorma" by Pavarotti.

Favorite hour of the day and why:
At my age...when I wake up!

Favorite quote:
"Born to be hung you"ll never be shot." Learned that one from Dad. Mom's were more like "Don't point your finger, cause there are 3 pointing back at you". Yes, I had a most wonderful dysfunctional childhood. And it has served me well.

If you had to be an animal, which one and why?
Perhaps a gerbil who only eats, runs on a wheel, poops, gets a "hello" now and then, and is left alone most of the time.

Which actor/actress should play you in the story of your life:
My first choice is Mickey Rourke as he is today ....unfortunately I have been told by a few folks (much to my chagrin) that I resemble Carol Burnett.......go figure.

If you were on Death Row, what would you choose as your last meal:
Well, my first thought was something really spicy and full of beans because if they are gonna kill me...I want them to gag when they take me away. But 2nd thought (and given my mid-western, Catholic, guilt-ridden upbringing)...I think I'll request a Communion wafer. So I'm going with that, Jesus. First thought wrong!
What was your first car:
An Opel for my 13th birthday. As I had no idea about shifting gears it was the first of many cars I managed to damage. I wasn't called "Crash Crough" for no reason.

What was your very first memory:
Our dog Topper. That dog hated me and lived to be 18 yrs. old! When I was in high school, I would have to call my brother Jim to come home because Topper was growling at me and I was afraid to leave my room. It's amazing how much I love dogs today!
Favorite Crough Family memory:
Well the first one that comes to mind is Jim and Jeans 50th! But I asked my sister Mary abut this and she just laughed so hard remembering way too many jokes my sister and brothers played on me (of course they were too jealous of my good looks ). But here are a few examples of when my intelligence let me down:

• Sitting in the sun on the top deck waiting to put salt on a birds tail
• Hiding in the linen closet for a long time, until I figured out no one was looking for me
• Actually showing Topper how to "roll over" (and yes, I did get dog treats)

Not to forget my imaginary friend (do you think I needed one?). Brother Bud drove me around town—as Mom was concerned about the amount of time I spent with her—and I couldn't find her house. It was a nice way to "give her up." Mom was very wise.

What sound do you love to hear:
Children laughing

What sound do you hate to hear:
A dog whimpering

Barbara at age 3 with her mother, Faye Crough

The Crough Family
Clockwise from top row: Mike, Jim, Jerry, Bud,
Faye, Mary, Bob, Barbara, Vince

Top: Loose Park, 1981
Bottom: Chicago, 1982