Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big Shrive turns 28

Here's lookin' at you, Birthday Boy!

You'll always be my little brother (who never fails to make me laugh.)

Hope it's a great day!
Love you!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Get to Know a Crough: Pam Wilson

Each month, The Crough's Nest will profile a different member of our family. Each person gets the same 20 questions. Their answers will surprise you...entertain you...take you back...and make you smile.

Name: Pamela Dianne (Crough) Wilson

Nickname(s):Pammy Pancake

Age: 55

Crough Connection:
Daughter of Jim & Jean Crough (middle child of 7)

Family (spouse/kids/pets/etc.):
Husband: Timothy—31 1/2 years of delightful bliss
Children: Jeremiah Jacob (1978 – 1990) and James Henry (29)

Granddaughter: Serena Wilson (1 1/2)

None at this time. Maybe someday I'll rescue a Shih Tzu or a Cavalier King Charles.

Presently a Pharmacy Technician at Dillon's (13 years) and before that worked 10 years in the Deli dept. I was hired on with Dillon's in 1972 as a clerk and helped open the Southgate location. A total of 25 years with Dillon's.

How do you spend your spare time:
Reading, exercising, of all, having my granddaughter Serena over to play as much as I can.

Best book you've ever read:
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It was a gift to Jer & James from Aunt Sheryl. They loved this book.

Favorite movie of all time:
Several: Pretty WomanAnne of Green Gables, and Driving Miss Daisy

Favorite song of all time (click on the blue links to listen!):
"Could I Have This Dance" by Anne Murray. And everyone knows how much I like to dance!

Favorite hour of the day and why:
Early morning (with a good cup of coffee!)

Favorite quote:
"Let go and Let God" (thanks to AA)

If you had to be an animal, which one and why?
More like an insect...a butterfly. I'd like to be able to fly around and land on beautiful flowers. To me, they are a sign of hope 

Which actor/actress should play you in the story of your life:
Julia Roberts. She is humorous and serious at the same time (that's me to a "t")

If you were on Death Row, what would you choose as your last meal:
Moose Track Ice Cream and a Good Cup of Coffee

What was your first car:
Black Ford Falcon station wagon, that I had to share with Sheryl. I loved to drag Santa Fe in it.

What was your very first memory:
Since I had a concussion from a trip on my bike going down Indian Rock, I don't remember much. I loved summer playground and the games in the front yard of Iron St.

Favorite Crough Family memory:
Our vacation to San Diego to see big brother Mike on the USS Frederick. Grandma Jean wore Mickey Mouse Ears one night after our trip to Tijuana, guess the rest.

What sound do you love to hear:
Serena talking, giggling and calling for Grandma

What sound do you hate to hear:
The phone ringing late night/early morning....never a good thing.


Ranch in Spearfish, SD

The Crough Girls with Grandma Faye

Grandma Pam with Serena (8 days old)

Pam & Tim Wilson

With granddaughter, Serena 


Robyn,(Birthday girl) Tom & Kayla's in the middle, she works at the golf course while her parents play