Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Contributions from Cara Bridget

The following pics & comments were passed along by Cara Bridget (White) Schmieder:

This one was taken at our house on 72nd St in K.C., January of 1972. I believe Mike was visiting from return from his time in the service during Vietnam. The sideburns kill me and so does our choice in sofas. You can see Grandma's blanket in the background. 

This is a photo of Alyssa & Kelly at the Crough's house during Thanksgiving of 1982. I remember some great holidays at Jim & Jeans, especially during Thanksgiving—playing hearts, spoons, or just hanging out and eating!

1 comment:

KellyB said...

Wow... those are some happening sideburns. Cara you are holding Holly the cat. That sofa appears to be Holly's favorite plaything.

Photo 2, well how timely! Here's wishing you all a food, family and fun filled Thanksgiving.