Friday, December 19, 2008

What's Your Favorite Grandma Jean Memory?

Today marks 7 years since Grams passed away...can it really be that long? 

This is one of my favorite pictures, taken one Thanksgiving out at the farm.

 Grams looks tickled, Mom looks guilty. Were they caught in mid-gossip?

I sure miss her. 


Bridget said...

Oh, there are so many sweet memories. My Aunt Jean taught me how to make coffee, even though I had just volunteered to do it in her percolator. I said I knew but I had no clue. I was about 9 or 10. Aunt Jean stepped around the bar at Alwood and said something like, "This may be a different model than the one you are used to." She then showed me the way and gave me full credit for "good coffee" (high praise indeed from my Aunt Jean) I miss her too.

KellyB said...

I am not sure why but I blogged on as Bridget but it's me Kelly.

Cindy Sue said...

Mom, looks so cute in that picture.
Where did those seven years go?
I guess one of my favorite memories of Mom was the morning of their 50th Wedding Anniversary Party and she had come to town with Dad to get her nails done and was so excited to show us her beautiful diamond ring she got from Dad. She was like a kid again for a moment.
I miss her!

Sheilah said...

I remember that day, we all got our nails done together. I think that was my first manicure. She sure was flashing that diamond ring around!! I miss her too.

Anonymous said...

Aww, I can't believe it's been 7 years! I miss her so much and feel so silly telling you all this but I do go to the cemetary every once and awhile just to "talk" to her. I'd have to say my favorite memory would be going to the farm every Sunday with my Dad to visit. On this one particular Sunday, Gunner found some baby rabbits so Grandma and I of course tried to nurse the last one back to health. It didn't live, but thinking about that day always reminds me about how caring she was of everyone and everything.

Barbara said...

This is Aunt Barb...testing, testing 1 2 3

Barbara said...

I am sooo late leaving this comment, but I only recently found out how I could do so.
A. Jean was at differnent times like a mother, like a sister and most of all my friend. We had such fun in Ireland. I miss her shy smile, her silly giggle and how easy it was to share "the good, the bad and the ugly" with her and not be "judged". I leave a button evey time I visit Solomon, most of you will know why and smile. I miss her so.

Pammy Pancake said...

I miss mom everyday. Especially at coffee time and Her comment this is a good cup of coffee. I now own a car with cup holders she would like that. Pammy pancake