Thursday, February 5, 2009


Hello All:

Just wanted to pass along an update about our 2008 Jer's Fund recipient. Over $1600.00 was collected for William Bohrer and his family—way to go, Croughs!
William is 2 years old and was diagnosed with retinoblastoma (an uncommon tumor of the eye) at birth. He has received a prosthetic eye, but continues to undergo chemotherapy and various other treatments.
Here is the thank you letter from William's mother, as well as a recent family picture.

Dear Wilsons & Family,

I would like to start off by saying thank you all so much. You have blessed us more than you know! Also, I would like to apologize for not writing sooner, but I wanted to make sure to send a family picture. Since we have found out about William’s cancer so many people have helped us and I feel like I can’t say thank you enough.

It’s almost been a year since we found out and they removed the cancer. After they removed the eye we thought that everything would be over. Unfortunately they found that the tumor was so far advanced that there was a chance the cancer may have spread. Needless to say, chemo treatment was the next step. He had four rounds of treatment—his last one was July 1st. He did great through the treatment; the only effect it had on him was hair loss. You would never tell by looking at him now that he has been through so much. He hasn’t slowed down one bit through everything. Honestly, I don’t think I would have made it through this if it wasn’t for his little spirit. Which sounds backwards, but he kept smiling which kept us smiling.

My husband joined the Army in June and things are finally looking up for us. We are finally settled in Virginia as a family. They have fantastic medical and doctors that are familiar with William’s treatments and are setting up home health to come and check on William and flush his port so that we don’t have to go anywhere, seeing as we only have one vehicle. We have been so blessed to have everybody through all of this. It’s amazing and unbelievable how people come out of nowhere and bless you for the rest of your life.

You all are amazing and what your family is doing is more of a blessing than you will ever imagine.
Thank you again and again and again. You made our holidays better than we could have dreamed of!

Bless you all, The Bohrers

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