Monday, April 6, 2009

Birthday Girl: Miss Cara Bridget

Happy Birthday Cara B! Hope it's a happy one.

This first picture
(a) amazes me how much you and your daughter look like each other
(b) reminds me that I need to start looking for a bathing suit

Pam Crough Wilson, Cindy Crough Shriver, Chris White, Kelly White Bergin,
Lisa Crough Ransopher and Cara White Schmieder

Kevin White: "She still looks at me like that"


Cindy Sue said...

Hope you had a great day! You are such a Doll and still are!!
I wonder how much money I spent on Bleach back then!!!
Love ya

Barbara said...

Bridget, As I told you in your Birthday gift....if daughters were flowers I would pick you! I'm twice blessed to have a "bouquet" with you and your sister! Happy Birthday and Happy Year! I love you, Mom

Pammy Pancake said...

Cara I remember the times spent in KC while your mother was at work. I loved watching you kids. I also remember making those outfits for Lisa and I Pretty cute. Oh I thought I was quite the seamstress. Happy belated Birthday. I Love you Pammy

KellyB said...

Happy Birthday Cara!!!
You are still the best kid ever. I love you, Kelly