Friday, May 29, 2009

April Showers

A few pics of Bobbi's bridal shower on April 26th,
held at the beautiful home of Lisa and Milo Ransopher

(Bobbi and John will be married a week from tomorrow!)

The amazing creativity of Lena and Moira White started as wrapping paper...

...and became the hit of the party.
Rylie and Serena made it their stage!

Rylie Maguire with cousin Serena Wilson

Party favors for the guests

And of course, it wouldn't be a shower with at least ONE game.
Guests drew from a hat and gave their responses.


Lisa said...

What a fun time! Don't think for one minute Pam wasn't set up to share her story by innocent older sister (not Sheryl). I got a kick out of Cindy's look of surprise by Pam's sharing. We all knew she would. It's wonderful having older sisters !!

Jess said...

Oh wow........I feel like I just got to know another side of Aunt Pam with that one!!! haha...that was funny though!
Can't wait to see you all soon!