Last month Mom took an unplanned step & was told both ankles were badly sprained but yesterday after being x-rayed they told her that both were broke!!! So the air/boot look is in for the next three weeks. Guess Mom didn't inherit Grama's grace
Mary dosn't do the "computer thing" so I'll tell you what's happening, She was up as fast as she went down & she never even used the cane I keep around for such emergencies, I always thought if you can walk on them they are just badly sprained but she proved that theory wrong!!! Her new boots have not stoped her from shopping, it's only slowed her down. The Dr. say's she is healing nicely, should be another 3 weeks before things speed up again. Even all the stairs at her house don't keep her in one place.
Karyn was hoping these boots came in leather since she know's how much Mom loves her boot's
oh wow! That's quite a different diagnosis....sprained to broken? Is she walking around on crutches?
Hang in there, Aunt Mary!
Thinking of you, Great Aunt Mary! We know you'll find a way to make even the most boring boots "classy"!
The Meneleys
Mary dosn't do the "computer thing" so I'll tell you what's happening, She was up as fast as she went down & she never even used the cane I keep around for such emergencies, I always thought if you can walk on them they are just badly sprained but she proved that theory wrong!!! Her new boots have not stoped her from shopping, it's only slowed her down. The Dr. say's she is healing nicely, should be another 3 weeks before things speed up again. Even all the stairs at her house don't keep her in one place.
Aunt Mary you are a trooper! I can't believe you walked on broken ankles for weeks. I know you will be up to speed in no time. Love, Kelly
Aunt Mary,
I bet Grandma is getting a chuckle out of this one.
Take Care.
ouch! Keep em elevated. Love, your niece nurse Lisa
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