Monday, November 23, 2009

Jer Wilson's "Miracles at Christmas" 2009

The recipient of this year's fund is Jordan Parker. Jordan was recommended by the younger John Maguire (guess he's getting too old to call him "Little John" anymore, huh?), who works with Jordan's mother.

February 2009

Jordan was diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) on Jan 23rd, 2009.
She will have to undergo treatment for the next 2 1/2 years. Currently, she is on maintenance medications, and the cancer doesn't appear to be as aggressive. Great news!

Jordan is active in dance classes, and loves to play many different video games, especially the Wii (she hates to lose!) She also loves to play with the many dolls that she has—especially the High Musical gang and Hannah Montana. She's a huge fan of the Jonas Brothers!

May 2009

Jordan was excited to start school back in August, especially since almost all of her hair had grown back from the chemo. Jordan always has a smile on her face—she doesn’t let having leukemia get in the way of being a kid. She’s a smart, loving, tough, brave little girl.

Kudos to John Maguire, who recommended Jordan back in May and has cleverly and inconspicuously stayed in touch with her situation throughout the year (Jordan's mom has no idea!)

If anyone is interested in donating to this year's fund, please send your donation to:

Pam & Tim Wilson
612 Albert
Salina, KS 67401

Please submit donations prior to December 15th, so that the check may be presented to Jordan's family before Christmas.

Thanks so much for your giving spirit and for keeping Jer's legacy alive.

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