Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Lord of the Blog turns 30!!

The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been. ~Madeleine L'Engle

Would you all join me in doing a cartwheel for the
birthday girl? (one-handed if you can!!)

Hope your birthday is a stellar one, Lyss!
We love you!


Pammy Pancake said...

HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY ALYSSA. Where did the time go. I Love you and wish you the very best year yet to come. Auntie Pam

Cindy Sue said...

Happy Birthday Alyssa Nicholle,
Alyssa was born(9lbs. 2ozs.) on a very cold and snowy day in Ivanhoe, Minnesota.
Everyone(a town of about 900) ventured out to see her in the Hospital Nursery and because she was the daughter of the Boys Basketball Coach!!! This was a big deal for this small town. And what a very special event for her parents.
So to my very special daughter on this cold and snowy day.
Happy Birthday.
Love you,

Laura Pennacchi said...

Happy Brrrrrrrr Birthday to you Alyssa, it's very cold here in Seattle but no snow ...... yet!!
You are going to love being 30 but for me life in the 40's was best but then again all those numbers are just memories8-)

Jess said...


Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Lys, I remember coming with Mom to see you just days after you were born! I believe it was Mom's first flight and she brought her knitting along, and proceeded to almost poke people with her knitting needles when passing in the aisle. At just 19, I was mortified, but we laughed so hard. The best part was finally getting to see the new baby, as you were and continue to be special. Love you, Aunt Lisa

Emma Bergin said...

Happy Birthday, Alyssa!
Hope it was great :)

Emma Bergin said...
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Alyssa Kimmel said...

Thank you everyone,for the the birthday wishes. And to Meagan for a most excellently crafted post!

I'm looking forward to all the adventures that my thirties (and beyond) shall bring. I might even brave cartwheels.

Love and thanks!