Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chris is turning 50—Save the Date!

"Move it, move it, move it to Chris White's 50th birthday bash!"

Chris is turning 50...let's party!!!

Date: Saturday, October 2nd

Hosted by Jim Crough @ "The Farm"

Starting time: 2:00 pm
Ending time: Whenever the last Bingo is called,
the last bacon is stolen and the last karaoke singer is booed off the stage!

RSVP to The Party Planners:
Kelly Bergin @ 913.642.3810
Lisa Crough @ 913.406.6734
Cindy Shriver @ 785.488.3757


Pammy Pancake said...

what day at 2pm. I have a quilt to be raffled off for Jer's xmas fund this year. Darby Miller is this years Miracles at Christmas. Can we do it at the party?

Alyssa Kimmel said...

Whoops, can't have a Save the Date without giving a date. It's October 2nd...Saturday. Which I believe is actually the day before Chris's actual birthday. I updated the post...thanks for the heads up! And I think raffling off the quilt sounds like a fabulous idea!

KellyB said...

Absolutely raffle the quilt!